The faces behind
The Rolling Bros & Co.


We are Freda and Xiaohui and WE ARE CRAZY ABOUT DOGS. By day, we are content producers, photographers and set directors and full-time dog moms.

After having adopted 3 of our rescues, it was only a natural step for us to move into dog portraits because we know how fleeting these precious moments are, and we want to capture these moments for you.

  • Your dedicated photographer during your sessions. Freda is a product photographer and stop motion artist by day. Not a day goes by without her taking a gazillion photos of her 3 rescues. She spends every waking hour thinking about photographing dogs.

  • Xiaohui is our shoot co-director, camera technician and dog whisperer. Funny thing, every dog that we’ve met tends to gravitate towards her. Should have seen it coming, if you know she’s quite the calm and composed director on set on usual days.

Meet the ones who started it all …

  • Rescued from Sembawang Shipyard

    We adopted Simba from SOSD Singapore in 2019. He was only 6-months old then. He was quite a skittish character but boy he was hella smart. He eavesdrops on our conversations and he remembers routes, even when it’s his first time to a certain place. He also loved the beach so much and learnt to swim in just one session, we absolutely had to keep him! Today, he is 5 and is still very much the smart alec that he is and rocking the beach boy vibes.

  • Rescued from Tuas Construction Site

    Dale, the gentle giant (to hoomans and kids) was adopted in 2018. He and his litter of siblings were rescued from a construction site when they barely opened their eyes! You know the funny thing with dogs is, you think you chose them but truth is, they chose you right from the very start. And then they steal your heart, and then your soul. At least, that’s what it felt like with Dale. We were just visiting him and his brother when they were 2.5 months old, and the little fella walked right up to us and put his little paws on us. And the rest is history.

  • Rescued from Mandai Forest

    The latest addition to the family was a foster fail. Before we adopted Marvel in 2022, she lived in the forest and abandoned factory building all by herself. Makes one wonder, how did she survive all that all those young years of her life? Needless to say, Ms. Marvel was too gorgeous and mysterious, we couldn’t bring ourselves to give her up to someone else. So, we ended up giving her a home.