I can take my own photos, why should I pay for photos with my dog?

Our dogs’ time with us is way too short and they grow older with every passing year. Keeping a gazillion solo shots of them and phone selfies with them is great, but having a few timeless photographs that capture your special bond together year on year will come a long way.

I’m interested but I can’t decide which session to go for.

We’d recommend taking your dog’s age and personality into consideration. If your dog is very old or if he/she has a timid and nervous personality, go for the Home or Studio session. We keep the session short and sweet so that we can make the most of of it without your dog feeling too tired or stressed out.

If you just love lounging around with your pal, definitely go for the Home session.

If it’s inconvenient to get the session done at home, go for the Studio session! We work with a few pet-friendly studios that we love. However, note that this is a littler pricier because of the hourly rental rate of the studio that would be added on to your session.

If you’re an adventure-seeking family and want a greater number of photos and a greater variety of locations, go for the Adventure session.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a styled editorial kind of shoot, come for our seasonal pop-up sessions! We guarantee it’ll be loads of fun!

Can you tell me more about the photos I can expect to receive?

You are strongly encouraged to read through our Experience page to know more about working with us. As documentary-style photographers, the main objective is to be a fly on the wall and let things happen naturally as much as possible. However, understandably, as photography subjects, we might not know what to do all the time! The same goes for us even when we are subjects! We are 100% camera-shy too so we totally get that.

And that is why we go through the extent of creating a questionnaire, talking about session times, locations and outfits and discussing these things with you at lengths even before your session to ensure that you feel at ease. Doing these will help us understand your personalities, and also curate your session accordingly.

And at the end of the day, we want to be dancing and squealing over your fur-babies together! What we’re promising is spontaneity and magic - not checklists and guarantees.

How many humans and dogs can I have photographed in 1 session?

We can accommodate 2 humans and 3 dogs in our sessions, if you have more than that, just get in touch with us and let us know! We’ll let you know if we need more time.

Our mission is to photograph the special connection between the dogs and their owners, so if you come with more dogs, note that there will be lesser time devoted to each of the dogs.

I’m camera-shy. What happens on the shoot? Do I have to be featured?

We meet at the decided location and spend the first 5-10 min getting the dogs warmed up to us and the camera lens.

The best thing about documentary-style sessions is that, you just gotta be yourselves!

We will prompt you and give you suggestions as we go along, and we will talk about your dogs. And if you don’t want any pictures with your pet, that’s totally fine! They are the main stars here anyway. The experience will be relaxed and fun.

My dog is easily excitable, or is nervous.

We meet dogs with all sorts of quirks! Excitable, nervous, skittish, reactive ... A short 10-15 min walk before the shoot can help relieve some of that excitement and stress. We’ll always try to project calm energy throughout the shoot so the dogs feel some of that zen-ness as well.

A fun (lengthy) questionnaire will be sent to you upon confirmation of your booking to get to know more about you and your dog. It is important to let us know your concerns, so we know how to approach the session.

For Studio sessions, you may take the lead off your dogs. For Outdoor sessions, do ensure your dogs follow your commands when off lead.

Can you walk me through the process of booking, pre-shoot, shoot through to the point I receive my final photos/prints?

Once you’ve booked a slot with us, you will receive an email with a contract and a link to a questionnaire.

The questionnaire is for us to get to know you and your pet better, so we can curate the shoot experience for you. One or two weeks before the date of the session — We will confirm the location(s), outfits, styling (if applicable) taking into account backgrounds and the colour of your dog's coat, number of humans and dogs.

The day of the session — If the weather is not on our side, do not panic! There’s beauty in rainy weather too. We will make the call together and see if the session needs to be postponed. Otherwise, all you need to do it enjoy the shoot experience with your pet!

Within 2-3 working days of the shoot, you will receive a link to a private gallery of the unedited photos. Once you make your selection, the edited images will be delivered within a maximum period of 4-6 weeks depending on the session booked.

If you’d like to receive more edited images, let us know. We do have a delicious package rate for all good photos returned!

I have a important date coming up, can I request for express edits?

Do let us know in advance if you require express edits. We will try to accommodate and try to pencil you in. Most of the time, we’ll be able to send a maximum of 3-5 edits to you before the full edited gallery.

I’m ready to book, what do I do?

That’s awesome! You may book a slot with us by purchasing a session here. We will get back to you asap with a questionnaire so that we can save a date and time for you!