Ready, Set, Pose!

Let’s be honest, it gets really awkward sometimes when you have absolutely no idea what to do with your hands during a photoshoot, let alone try to look natural for the camera, with a pet in tow, waiting for your command. Home and outdoor sessions are slightly easier in that sense because you are doing things that you and your pet already do on a daily basis. But when it comes to a studio shoot, it’s just you, your pet, the photographer, some lights and four walls!

In light of the edition #01 of our pop-up photobooth APAWTAMENTO, we have put together a simple posing guide that will get you ready for your upcoming studio session! There are many ways of approaching a photoshoot session, and having some poses handy is just one of the most underrated ways you can prep for it. Some might think oh-yeah-I’ll-just-wing-it, but sometimes your mind goes blank in the midst, and you’ll be glad you prepared for it!

So, here are some reaaaaally simple steps to take leading up to your photoshoot …

STEP ONE: Go on to pinterest, pin, save or download some poses that you like ahead of time. Save it in an album in your phone for easy reference, name it “Go-to poses with (pet’s name)” and heart it!

STEP TWO: PICK 3 of your favourite poses and practise, practise, practise! In front of the mirror works best, or set up your camera in front of you. Or don’t. The whole idea of it is to get you and your pet into the motion without feeling awkward or uncomfortable during the session because it’s something out-of-the-ordinary. Most importantly, remember that the pose needs to work for BOTH of you. For example, if the pose requires you to lift or hug your pet, just be sure that he or she is comfortable with it!

For studio sessions, photographers usually prep a chair or low platform of sorts so that you and your pet can sit on it. It might be useful to start getting your pet to hop on a chair, stay and off on command.

STEP THREE: How about starting from what you love to do most with your pet? Do you cuddle? Do they do tricks? How about simple stuff like scratchies under the chin, behind the ears? Or a pose that looks like you’re sniffing that umami smell from the forehead, ears … Yea, #iykyk. Those can be great poses too!

STEP FOUR: Master SIT. STAY. Guide your pet into position with a leash/ treats/ toy. And repeat. Subsequently, try it without treats. This will come in handy especially when you want to get THE solo shot. If your pet nailed it, REWARD HANDSOMELY so he/ she knows they did well!

STEP FIVE: Do not worry if things don’t go as planned, or if your pet refuses to co-operate. You’ll be amazed to find out that candid shots do its magic of unravelling the deep connection and bond between a pet and its owners. And that’s also why photoshoot sessions with your pet is always fun!

To start the ball rolling, here are some pose suggestions to start with! Can’t wait to see what you guys will come up with.

The Lean-in

The Hug-from-behind

The Sneak-attaaaac



What to wear for your photoshoot with your Pet